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Boiler Branch Of China Electrical Equipment
Industry Association(CIBB)
















Industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association Membership Dues Administration
According to the Articles of CEEIA and the Work Ordinances of CIBB, payment of the membership dues is one of obligations of the membership companies. Dues income is the main financial source for CIBB conducting routine work and initiating activities. In order to normalize membership dues collection and administration, we worked out this Membership Dues Administration based on Membership Dues Rating and Membership Dues Administration of CEEIA.
1 Membership Dues Rate and Adjustment Administration
1.1 Membership Dues Rate
Regardless of its scale and size, new admitting member should pay 3500RMB for the enrollment year’s membership dues. For the subsequent years, member should pay annual dues as per following requirements. 
General members: 2000RMB
Council members: 3000RMB
Vice chairman of the council: 10000RMB
Chairman of the council: 20000RMB
1.2 Dues Rate Adjustment Administration
If Dues Rate needs to be adjusted, CIBB secretariat should initiate the proposals and report to the council for approval. New Dues Rate will take effect after CEEIA reviewing and approval.
2 Dues Collection
2.1 New admitting member dues shall be payable when admitted to the CIBB.
2.2 The annual dues shall be payable before the second season of each year. For members who defaulted in dues payments after long time reminding(warning), CIBB will take measures according to the Work Ordinances and publicize their name in the Industry. 
3 Dues Management and Utilization
3.1 The secretariat of the CIBB will be responsible for the dues collection and management. An independent account shall be used for due collection and other legitimate incomes.
3.2 The use of dues collected will be pursuant to Chapter 5 of Work Ordinances with the principle of rational use and balancing. The balance will be used for next fiscal year. 
3.3 Dues management should be subjected to supervising of CEEIA, the CIBB council. The secretariat of CIBB should cooperates with CEEIA and submit related reporting sheets.
The Membership Dues Administration was approved by the first member conference of Sixth Member Congress on 29th, Oct. 2014.
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